Fire Extinguishers

Buy Fire Extinguisher Online: Some Mistakes to Avoid

Any workplace that experiences a fire can be extremely dangerous because fuel nearby greatly increases the fire’s potential for spread. Petrochemicals, rubber or tire, pharmaceuticals or chemical, pulp, paper, and other industrial units are the industries where fire incidents are becoming a major concern to address. When a fire first appears, a fire extinguisher should be used right away to put it out. There are numerous options to buy fire extinguisher online available, including Mechanical foam, ABC dry powder, ABC chemical powder, DCP, CO2 type, etc.

Buying the Right Fire Extinguisher: Some Advice

Choose by Ratings

On fire extinguishers, ratings or Fire class information is printed. Choose an extinguisher based on the fire class (given above). The residential buildings typically have a fire extinguisher, but combination ratings ABC or BC are advised for higher levels of fire in industries. Verify that the fire extinguisher’s rating includes all potential hazards at the installation site.

Putting Out Material

Since each type of fire uses a different fuel, a different chemical component is needed to put out the fire. Examples include Class B rated fire extinguishers, which are typically used dry, and extinguishers that use chemical powder or foam.

Utilization of Fire Extinguishers

On fire extinguishers, the level of ratings is also noted; for example, a 2-A rating is less effective than a 3A rating.


Fire extinguishers must have the certification BIS/ISI mark.

You may shop online for the best in class fire extinguishers that comply with high standards and are made only from the best materials at websites like industry buying and industry kart.